Age of Empires III: Wars of Liberty Wiki
Civilization Technology Tree Home City

"Automatically train Settlers. Unit are stronger, give you more training experience, but can't be upgraded until Imperial Age. Infantry and cavalry generate Coin when sieging. Best at: Raiding and Fighting." ― In-game description.


The Ottomans are a European civilization, one of the original playable civilizations from Age of Empires III. In Wars of Liberty, the Ottomans are a civilization who favors using strong gunpowder units and powerful artillery. They are fighting not to lose their identity, while the revolutions of the Orthodox populations of their empire break apart one after another, distracting the Porte from focusing on economic growth and reforms.


  • Villagers slowly train automatically from the Town Center
  • Unites trickle coin while siegeing
  • Military units are overall stronger in early Ages
  • Military units can only be upgraded in Imperial Age

Unique Units[]

The Ottomans have several unique units.
Janissary icon 64x64 Janissary: Heavy infantry unit. Deals bonus damage against cavalry and light infantry with its hand attack.
Nizamicedidsmall Nizam-i-Cedid: Ultimate heavy ranged infantry. Carries a sword to beat cavalry.
Deli icon Deli: Cavalry armed with a spear and shield. Has Trample mode.
Cav archer icon 64x64 Cavalry Archer: Ranged cavalry armed with a bow. Deals bonus damage against cavalry, artillery, and Coyote Runners, but less against Villagers.
Spahi icon Spahi: Cavalry that is only available from the Home City. High hit points, does area damage, and has Trample mode.
Abus gun icon 64x64 Abus Gun: Light artillery that acts like a skirmisher. Good against heavy infantry and light cavalry.
Humbara icon Humbaraci: Grenadier, good against infantry and buildings.
GreatBombardIcon Dardanelles Gun: Super-heavy artillery. Moves and fires slowly, but does tremendous damage against infantry and buildings. Replaces the Heavy Cannon at the Factory, can also be sent from the Home City.


In-game Dialogue[]








